Subject: Pine Cones
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Tues Dec 30, 1997 at 9:40AM

As I sat down to breakfast just now at the kitchen counter

I caught sight of a weaved basket, and in it - a mountain
Of pine cones which you and I had picked up off ground
In order to add some seasonal beauty to the house around

Late November - I think it was, when we gathered them
For I remember - then you made plans with me to spend
Thanksgiving Dinner here so we could have turk together
And then plans changed and you disappeared in a tether

For we fell apart after that, as you made plans to go west
Leaving me in the lurch without any company at all blessed
And now I gaze at the basket overfull with those lovely cones
Wondering what it is I did to make myself so completely alone

The beauty of those cones now remind me of hearts so full
When we two were of one mind & body and there was no pull
But then I remembered seeing other cones on drive recently
And realized the others now mashed to ground were more free

In a way - epitomizing what we two have been to each other
Before sadness took you away from me and quite under cover
And now I hold one pine cone and feel the sharp edges around
Knowing full well they also reflect you, as you are now bound ...

Christopher W. Thomas
9:40am Tuesday 12/30/97