Subject: From One Holiday to the Next
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Fri Dec 26, 1997 at 1:25AM

Now that Christmas is over, and joyous holiday cheer has diminished,

In another week, another celebration will be on us to help finish -
Out the old year, and bring in the new one with style and panache,
As we all rush around making New Year's resolutions in a mad dash.
And make plans to change dietary habits or exercise regimen to stash
Away extra pounds we've gained over the past few days with hash,

And other high-calorie food items thrown us from time-to-time ...
Which we've enjoyed so much simply because we didn't have to sign.
Now the foods which enriched our body, also have enriched our mind.
So we sing songs in the air filled with much joy in our heart's wind.
As in just one more week now the ball will drop in Manhattan's Times -
Square, and you will be transported one more year closer as we climb

There ... ever nearer - to the millenium ....

Christopher W. Thomas
12:50am Boxing Day 97