Subject: Unpacking the Trunk
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Jan 28, 1999 at 7:30AM

One hundred and twenty-one years ago today, in spite of all adversity

A nearby city became an even greater landmark than it already was
For not only does it house perhaps the most famous of all universities
It also began the very first telephone exchange with a simple coin toss

For there were only ten local subscribers at the exact time of its opening ...
And connections between them needed to be made to start the whole thing
So a simple procedure was used to choose who should talk first to who ...
Beginning an avalanche of communication with more trunks than a zoo

So, today, we salute the innovation not only of Alexander Graham Bell
But also the city that started utilizing the telephone in a way so swell
For it houses one of the oldest and grandest of the country's schools ...
And Yalies should also be proud it boasts the founding of this great tool

- Tristram

© Christopher W. Thomas
7:10am Thurs. Jan. 28th, 1999