Subject: The Non-Upgradeable Upgrade
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Thurs Jan 21, 1999 at 2:10PM

The Non-Upgradeable Upgrade

It was an idea so very full of brilliance
To add a workstation O/S to the rinse
But the rep encouraged against grain
Now the system has absolutely no gain

For it'll not use the existing O/S and shell
... Over it to stabilize - thereby extending the well
It keeps asking for a disc not in the library
... One which could only be found with bribery

So the prized O/S will have to take a back seat
Until such time as this user can afford to meet
The extravagance of a full version O/S system
And when it happens ... then all can listen ...

- Tristram

© Christopher W. Thomas
12noon Thurs. Jan. 20th, 1999

re: a week to the day since receiving NT 4