Subject: Too Much Grease
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Wed Dec 17, 1997 at 6:46PM

When the wheels of trains become loose on the tracks

It is because there has been too much grease, or a lack
Relationships which come apart are like those wheels
They roll along fine as long as maintained with feel

But when there is too much grease without the stack
Of love and nurturing which they require back-to-back
They come to a halt ... it's like that - they just cease to be
And then the warmth and understanding which was free

Changes course and the entire thing erodes the metal shaft
Upon which those wheels ran so freely every time asked
To roll and bear the weight of a train pulling so very hard
It chugs in and out of station after station, then to the yard

Where careful maintenance is applied each day after day
To keep those wheels running right to pull thru the haze
And as long as just the right amount of grease is applied
Then the train - just like the relationship - will survive

But too much grease will make that train slide on rails
Especially if other bolts are not checked to see they sail
Properly - without slipping or coming out of the groove
Just as a relationship must continue to grow and move

And if there is too much grease and too little checking
Then the bound hearts will come loose from suspecting
Other entities have entered into their overall picture
And some of these will have lessened the very pure

Nature of the bond which was filled to the very brim
And which often overflowed as it merged with grins
Which made the hearts flutter with so much pure joy
It was so involving - there was goodness for this boy

And when the wheels started to grind and then stick
There was so much needed to say to get into the thick
But it had to have come from a good place deep within
Not a place where wheels had been let go to wear thin

- tristram
6:40pm Wednesday 12/17/97