Subject: The End of the Month
From: Christopher W. Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 30, 1998 at 10:19AM

It's the end of the month

So now the time's come
To put in the extra hours
To catch up on those towers

Of things I've been putting off
Believing there was still a lot
Of time to do all of those pages
Which exist now only in stages

Some are placed but not filled
Some are ideas, and only still
In plans rooted really only in the mind
Where they've stayed till now, in a bind

Of gold-embossed leather covers ...
In dark browns, maroons and some other
Where my mind's only thus envisioned ...
My own true heart's ultimate mission

The real goal of all my mind's rhythm ...
To see my words published between them ...

- Tristram

(c) Christopher W. Thomas
10:15am Monday, Nov. 30th, 1998